Some bloggers have argued about whether you should buy your domain name and hosting together or separately. I always took their advice and adhered to it until I spoke with a developer.

A WordPress developer.

This developer made it clear that the bloggers who believe in buying a domain from a different company and buying hosting from another company, do a lot of things on their blogs that influence such a choice.

Some of the things they do include black SEO. Black SEO is simply a Search Engine Optimization strategy that involves manipulating search engines to rank your blog on the first page; it usually involves activities that are against the said search engine’s policy.

I have never seen what they do or how they do it to help me ascertain the level of effect having both domain and hosting from one company has on say “AdSense earnings” for me to justify their reasons.


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Another reason is that they claim that when a company has both (domain and hosting) if you want to migrate to another company, the company delays the process, like holding your domain and hosting hostage. For a blogger whose sole means of monetization is display ads, that’s a lot of revenue lost along the process.

Buying together is for convenience and ease. It requires only one service provider, one account, and one bill to settle with the same account, with no stress of changing DNS settings to link both domain and hosting. Some companies also give free domains for the first year and you only buy the hosting and other frequent discounts. It’s also beginner-friendly and doesn’t require much technical know-how.

Buying separately is for flexibility and control, freedom and options. This depends on your budget and hosting needs. You can easily switch domains from one company to another and your hosting from one company to another. If you find the best or cheapest offers than what you currently have or you are no longer satisfied with a particular service provider, you can easily move from one to the other. You will need to keep an eye on two accounts, two bills to settle, and two renewal dates. This method is not beginner-friendly, you may find it difficult to understand, as it requires some technical steps.

For illustration 7 || Source:
For illustration 7 || Source:


Well, according to the developer, it’s easier to buy both domain and hosting from one company. It’s easier to handle problems or errors that happen on your blog’s admin/backend.


So should you buy your domain name and hosting together or separately? I think that answer is left to you to consider.


Now that we know if you should buy your domain name and Hosting Together or Separately, to start your blog setup, then follow these steps.

Step 1: Develop a Blogging Business Plan.

Step 2: How to choose and Buy Your Domain Name with your Naira card.

Step 3: How and Where to Buy Your Hosting with your Naira card.



Happy Blogging…