Bathroom remodelling is simply the art and act of making interior changes to your bathroom layout, tiling, lighting, fixtures, and storage spaces by choosing the right materials and colour for each element.

There are reasons why you may desire to remodel your bathroom.

  • You could want a new look.
  • You may have a vintage bathroom interior and now want to make it look more modern.
  • You had a previous crack which was fixed shabbily due to shortage of funds and now you want to have a new and uniform look.

All these and more are good reasons for desiring bathroom remodeling. Here is a simple guide to remodeling your bathroom to make it feel better for you.

1. Consider an Outdoor bathroom:

Yes. This doesn’t mean that you have to leave the privacy of your bedroom area. It’s just allowing more lights using transparent/translucent glasses for wall and ceiling areas. Your bathroom can be re-designed to look like it’s outside and you enjoy the open night skies during showers.

2. Choose a good layout:

When you open the door to a bathroom, the first thing that should be in front of you is the wash-hand basin. Not the toilet, not the tub, but the wash-hand basin. If the previous arrangement distorted this use for you, this is your chance to correct the layout.


Read Also: Things You Shouldn’t Have in Your Shared Bathroom When Guests Come Over.

Should you choose to do this, note that it could increase your budget, because plumbing pipes will need redirection. The essence of bathroom remodeling is to improve functionality and the effective use of the space.

3. Choose a colour scheme:

It could be monochromatic (one colour of various shades), analogous (three colours next to each other on the colour wheel), or triad (3 colours at equal distances from each other on the colour wheel).

Whichever scheme you choose, align all elements to match the colour scheme. You don’t want to have green, red, blue, or yellow in a random and unorganized way (unless you enjoy the chaos in your design style).

4. The right Tiling material:

We desire to make the bathroom look and feel clean. Your tile could be of natural stone, porcelain, or quartz for a luxurious look. Multi-coloured tiles can prove to be a challenge. A simple white tile with streaks of black gives a unique view.

Your wall tiles should be slippery to allow the suds to move down quickly. Your floor tiles should be of matte surface (non-slippery) finish. You can also place a shower mat right under the shower head. Remember to install non-slippery grab rails on the walls around the shower area. This helps break a fall.

5. Choose the proper bathroom lighting:


Sometimes, bath times are relaxation times and you are in no hurry to leave the tub. A mixture of general lighting with some coloured or soft lighting will upgrade your bathroom feel.

6. Accessible floors:

Remodelling gives you the opportunity to correct floor slopes and floor drain positioning. Ensuring accessible floors mean that you will have to remove anything that obstructs the free movement of a wheelchaired person to easily roll into the shower space and easy access to the wash-hand basin. This is very important.

Read Also: Tired of Tripping Over Wires? False Floors can Help!

7. Add storage spaces:

This could be a wall-hung or floor-to-ceiling storage area. Allowing items and toiletries to litter the spaces makes your bathroom space crampy and uncomfortable.

8. Change your fixtures:

Change your old toilet bowl to a modern toilet bowl. Some new toilet bowls require less water to flush out solid waste and some have touchless controls. Install a bidet too, it’s good for your hygiene.

9. Create a statement/focal wall:

This wall could hold a large art or picture frame or anything that creates interest in you and shows forth your personality in it. This wall is usually where your eyes go to and always fall back to when in the space.


I hope you are able to use these tips to create the bathroom remodeling that you love, but even if you can’t, you can reach out to us using this form.