More often than not, I find myself struggling with creating a structure when creating a post. The endless strategies for best seo practices in blog posting can be exhausting.
All this is in an attempt to rank your post above others on every search engine’s first page.
That should not be so. I find that leaning into myself and speaking to you as though speaking and teaching a friend makes my work easier and natural.
During the editing, I can then fine tune a post to make it internationally acceptable rather than speaking to a local tribe.
In our English lessons, we were taught that, an article starts with a title, an introduction, a middle (also known as the body), and then the conclusion. I find that hard to do, most of the times.
Read Also: Blogging Metric Tools.
Some of my posts could come off as a rant from beginning to the end.
Do you feel this way?
I guess so. Otherwise, you wouldn’t be spending the time to read through this post. I do not enjoy long post that leads nowhere, so this post will be short.
Best SEO practices when blog posting

Here is a checklist when creating your blog posts.
→ Catchy headline without being too obvious. This heading will contain your keyword.
→ Post link should contain keyword.
→ Your post should start with an Introduction with a H2 or H3 text heading. This heading will contain your keyword.
→ Your post body should contain different variations of keywords relating to the main topic. You can do this by pasting your main keyword in Google keyword planner and finding other related search keyword you can put in your blog post.
→ Your conclusion should contain your keyword.
→ Insert a minimum of 2 pictures into each post. Each picture will have your keyword as an “Alt text”. Image size should not be more 200kb. If your image is higher than that, you can resize it using the bulk resize photos. This tool changes your image to a WebP image file. It’s a next generation format and it’s lighter.
→ Insert a minimum of 2 internal links (links pointing to other posts in your blog) and 2 external links (links pointing to other peoples’ blog post relevant to the post topic) into each post.
These are the basic SEO practices. Every other strategy is based on the quality of your content and the number of authority blogs that found your content useful enough to backlink to it.
Read Also: Creating a Structure for your blog.
Happy blogging…