My Blog

ArchiStories: My brother and I
ArchiStories: sitting at my workstation, willing my mind to design a residential building, here comes

Why you should consider smaller units for your housing needs
Some Clients love big houses, while others love concise and portable homes. Here is why

Container home designs; a cheaper alternative to block walling
Would you be open to considering Container home designs? Is your landlord increasing your rent
House hunting in Nigeria
A story of house hunting in Nigeria. Onyinye was moving out of her parent’s home,

The fear of upskilling or cross-skilling
Upskilling or cross-skilling (if there is anything like that), whenever I want to do any,

How to invest in stocks using Trove
If you have an interest in stock trading, learn how to invest in stocks using

Babyproof your home through architecture
I know you may not necessarily have a baby in your home but the title

Are you afraid of launching out?
If you are afraid of launching out on whatever you are doing, then read this.