Basic Pinterest Platform setup

Pinteret trends interface

Pinterest platform is basically image/video posting. It’s not much for text. Unlike Facebook that limits your traffic, making users to view your content on their browser by default, Pinterest sends you organic traffic just like Google. Start by creating an account. Preferably a business account instead of a personal one. The business account has more … Read more

Travel Internal Door Lock

The 555 Cup
After my experience with hoteliers opening room doors at night, I opted to always travel with a stainless cup.
You know that 555 cup with a hand? That’s right.
The plan is to hang it on the door handle. The cup falls off when someone turns the door handle from outside the room and it will wake me up.
That’s my local approach.
I came upon this internal door lock. It’s small and easy to travel with.
Travel Internal door lock
Travel Internal door lock


Also, you can learn how this meal storage tip can help you stay organized.

6 Things You Shouldn’t Have in Your Shared Bathroom When Guests Come Over

Shared Bathroom

Things You Shouldn’t Have in Your Shared Bathroom When Guests Come Over. Most single-unit houses for rentals have a common or shared bathroom and toilet. Sometimes, the toilet is accessed separately from the bathroom. Other times they are both accessed through one door. I once visited a home for measured drawing. Measured drawing is simply … Read more

The Danger of Stainless Steel Handrails with Glass in public buildings

A visually impaired man tracing his apartment with Stainless Steel Handrails with Glass

You see handrails in buildings, especially the ones located by your staircases and balconies, I beseech you, to avoid those ones with round, shiny surface finish. That was how Mama Nkechi visited her daughter at Lekki. This daughter lives in one of the most expensive areas and to worsen the matter, she wasn’t staying on … Read more

9 Bathroom remodeling tips: making it look and feel better

Bathroom remodeling 2

Bathroom remodelling is simply the art and act of making interior changes to your bathroom layout, tiling, lighting, fixtures, and storage spaces by choosing the right materials and colour for each element. There are reasons why you may desire to remodel your bathroom. You could want a new look. You may have a vintage bathroom … Read more

The First things Guests notice about your Guestroom interior: How to Improve it

Guestroom interior 2

Are you worried about the impression you make on your guest through your guestroom interior? Supposing you invite a guest to your home or a guest visits your home randomly and you are expected to host them in your guestroom or your hospitality unit, ever wondered what they notice as they enter the space? Are … Read more

Sell Your House and Rent an apartment: which is better

Sell Your House and Rent

Making a decision to sell your house and rent another person’s house is a real-estate investment decision that should not be taken on a whim. Sometimes it’s a wise decision, and sometimes it’s not wise. Each occasion should be studied to proffer a solution fit for that situation. I say it’s wise if the state … Read more

How the borehole proximity to your septic tank could be affecting your health

borehole proximity to septic tank

I will ask again, “What is the borehole proximity to your septic tank?” By proximity, I mean, how close are they? You ought to know that site slope determines drainage systems and plumbing works. Site slope simply means the angle of inclination of a plot of land, also known as, the gradient. Picture a line … Read more

House hunting in Nigeria

A story of house hunting in Nigeria. Onyinye was moving out of her parent’s home, and she needed to find a new apartment. She had heard stories from her colleagues in the office. Not very nice stories. She visited Pious to enquire how he got the apartment he recently moved into. Pious shared his own … Read more