How to Restore Your Blog using an Exported XML file

Exported XML file 1

So, you mistakenly tampered with a code on your theme files editor and your blog broke? You can restore the blog using the exported XML file. In my post on blog maintenance strategies and management, I wrote about how I often exported my whole blog and saved on my external hard drive. This is where … Read more

What You Should be doing within Your 1st to 5th Year of Blogging

What You Should be doing within Your 1st to 5th Year of Blogging

What You Should be doing within Your 1st to 5th Year of Blogging. This is a critical question every new blogger must answer to avoid putting ones’ self under undue pressure. Blogging can be lonely. It’s stressful and many times, the people around you will not understand what you are doing. Blogging is a business. … Read more

Blog Maintenance Strategies and Management

Blog Maintenance Strategies and Management

I will share with you my blog maintenance strategies and the schedule I use to avoid missing anything I’m supposed to do or getting frustrated. Blog maintenance is a lot of work and can be overwhelming if not handled properly. I’m not saying you must follow me verbatim, but you might find something that can … Read more