Are you worried about the impression you make on your guest through your guestroom interior? Supposing you invite a guest to your home or a guest visits your home randomly and you are expected to host them in your guestroom or your hospitality unit, ever wondered what they notice as they enter the space? Are you looking to improve the space and make it more welcoming? Then read on.

When a guest visits, especially when the invitation came from you; the host, how they perceive a guestroom’s interior will determine if they ever show up again or not. Here are the things they notice and how you can improve them.

1. Room Cleanliness:

A dirty room is a turn-off and guests will generally grade your lifestyle with the effort you put into keeping a tidy guestroom. If you have to delay the guest a little to ensure that the room is spotless and smells fresh, do so.

2. Room Layout:

A properly arranged room makes for efficiency and productivity. A guest will notice the ease of movement due to how furniture is arranged in the space. Ensure that furniture is arranged to maximize the space and remove any unnecessary furniture.

Read Also: Bathroom remodelling: making it look and feel better.

3. Room Decoration:


This involves the colour scheme and how each item blends with the others in the room. Choose a colour scheme and align elements in the room to match it.

4. Room Lighting:

You may generally like dim lighting for your room but ensure that a guest room has both options for dim/soft/general lighting and natural lighting. For day/natural lighting, the size of the window opening matters.

5. Bed and bedding:

Take time to get a comfortable bed, one that doesn’t sink in and does not give back pain. Get soft bedding, the guestroom sheets should be only white colour. Don’t use multi-coloured sheets in your guestrooms. Ensure your pillows are of good quality. Some pillows give neck pain.

6. Your Personal touches:

Whatever your personal touch is, add it to your guestroom. It could be flowers, greenery, some special napkins, small snacks, or chocolate bars. It makes your guest feel welcome. Some abstract photo frames or artworks also add a sense of personal touch to the room. Choose a piece that blends with the style of the room and creates interest. Some artwork choices can be a conversation starter between you and your guest.

Read Also: Tired of Tripping Over Wires? False Floors can Help!

7. Wardrobe:

Guests visit with a few pieces of luggage and if they are staying around for a time, they need to unpack their bags, instead of living off the bag. A wardrobe or storage space allows them to do that.

8. Basic amenities:


As much as you can afford, let the guest have all the necessary basic amenities. Your guest may buy some special drinks for themselves, and it might seem intrusive to go to the main family fridge to store their drinks, so keep one for the guestroom.

Also provide basic toiletries, an extra toothbrush, and paste, a white towel, tissues, bath soap, lotion, and bathroom slippers, in case your guest forgot any. They may already feel too embarrassed to ask you for any of these things.

9. Extra furniture:

This could be a reading table and chair or a single relaxing cushion (with some soft throw pillows) to seat on while operating a computer or phone. The bed should not be the only place where a guest can seat.

10. Thermal control:

This is to control the temperature of the room, whether from heat or from the cold. An extra blanket will do. A ceiling or standing fan is ok, if you can afford an air-conditioning unit, install it.

Read Also: Things You Shouldn’t Have in Your Shared Bathroom When Guests Come Over.

11. Privacy:

A guest in your home may likely not have the same lifestyle as you. While you may like people wandering into your room at any time, your guest may want some privacy. It could be for work or as a lifestyle. Ensure your guestroom has that.


An indoor lock, a window screen, a blind, or curtains. If the room has a sitting area and a living area, consider using a screen or partition to create a sense of privacy between the two spaces.

12. Adequate power outlets:

Consider providing power outlets at strategic locations. One by the bedside, another next to the relaxing cushion, and one by the reading table. It makes it easy for your guest to stay in any part of the room without worrying about their appliances going off while using them.

13. Basic amenities for relaxation:

This includes a TV, some books or magazines, one-man games, and access to home Wi-fi (if you can afford it).

These simple details create a thoughtful and comfortable guestroom and make your guest feel at home.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to us, should you need help improving your guestroom.