Help! I just Activated a Code Snippet and My Site Broke! – Here is What to do

WPCode Logo_(c)

Uh-oh! I just Activated a Code Snippet and My Site Broke! – Yes, this just happened to me. Not on this website, on another site of mine where I was playing with some codes I got from ChatGPT. And to make matters worse, I couldn’t access my admin panel to deactivate the faulty snippet. I … Read more

How to Restore Your Blog using an Exported XML file

Exported XML file 1

So, you mistakenly tampered with a code on your theme files editor and your blog broke? You can restore the blog using the exported XML file. In my post on blog maintenance strategies and management, I wrote about how I often exported my whole blog and saved on my external hard drive. This is where … Read more

What You Should be doing within Your 1st to 5th Year of Blogging

What You Should be doing within Your 1st to 5th Year of Blogging

What You Should be doing within Your 1st to 5th Year of Blogging. This is a critical question every new blogger must answer to avoid putting ones’ self under undue pressure. Blogging can be lonely. It’s stressful and many times, the people around you will not understand what you are doing. Blogging is a business. … Read more

Blog Posting and Best SEO Practices

Blog Posting and Best SEO Practices

More often than not, I find myself struggling with creating a structure when creating a post. The endless strategies for best seo practices in blog posting can be exhausting. All this is in an attempt to rank your post above others on every search engine’s first page. That should not be so. I find that … Read more

Blog Maintenance Strategies and Management

Blog Maintenance Strategies and Management

I will share with you my blog maintenance strategies and the schedule I use to avoid missing anything I’m supposed to do or getting frustrated. Blog maintenance is a lot of work and can be overwhelming if not handled properly. I’m not saying you must follow me verbatim, but you might find something that can … Read more

Working With Elementor as a Page Builder

Working With Elementor as a Page Builder

I find working with Elementor as a page builder quite easy. I do not know why most new bloggers complain about using it.

First, ensure you are working with a desktop and not a phone. The only part of blogging you can efficiently do with a phone is the writing aspect; as in, writing a post, not editing a post.

Hours of research on a topic, keywords to use, links to add, etc., are better done with a desktop/laptop.

When I first started, I figured out Elementor all on my own through hours of editing. My blog back then had a new look every week. I was trying out different colours, different layouts and designs until I was exhausted.

My only regret is not taking the time to record all the things I tried when I was learning how to use Elementor.

However, I found the video below on YouTube and I believe it can help you navigate through the basics of Elementor.

If you have any further questions, do let me know in the comments.

Read Also: Creating a Structure for your blog.


Happy blogging…

Creating a Blog/Website Structure

Creating a BlogWebsite Structure || Image by on Freepik

One thing you must keep in mind when setting up your blog is the blog/website structure. I will liken this very much to how an Architect lays out the floor plan of a building. It is how you draw in a reader, taking them through your blog until they decide to leave. In this post, … Read more

Step 15: Setting up Social Media Accounts for Your Blog

Setting up social media accounts || Image by Freepik

Setting up social media accounts for your blog depends largely on your niche. At the beginning of this step-by-step guide, I wrote about creating a Business plan. in that plan, you wrote down the social media accounts you plan to use. Each social media has a specific type of audience it addresses. Some social media … Read more