Step 9: Add Relevant Plugins

Relevant Plugins || Image by upklyak on Freepik

There is no WordPress without adding relevant Plugins. I consider plugins as fittings for a house. Fittings like electrical fittings, mechanical fittings, and even smart house fittings. For your blog, remember that the more plugins you add, the heavier your site. You want to go with only what you really need. To install a plugin; … Read more

Step 5: Choose Your Content Management System (CMS)

Choose Your Content Management System || Image by Freepik

This post will show you how to choose your content management system. In the post I wrote about beginner blogging terms, I explained what a content management system (CMS) means. To choose your CMS, here are things to bear in mind. Cost. As a beginner, cost is very important. You don’t know how long you … Read more

Step 4: How to connect Your Domain name and Hosting if You Bought them Separately

How to connect Your Domain name and Hosting || Image by on

So you bought them separately, here is how to connect your domain name and hosting. You can move over to the next step 5 if you bought your domain name and hosting together from the same company. I will be using the two hosting companies I recommended in my previous post to explain to you … Read more

Step 3: How and Where to Buy Your Hosting with your Naira card

How and Where to Buy Your Hosting || Image by on

Here is how and where to buy your hosting with your Naira card. If you are based in Nigeria, you would have experienced the issue of paying for services priced in other currencies outside the Naira currency. To address this, there are hosting companies, existing and catering to the Nigerian market. This allows you to … Read more

Should You Buy Your Domain name and Hosting Together or Separately

For illustration 6 || Source:

Some bloggers have argued about whether you should buy your domain name and hosting together or separately. I always took their advice and adhered to it until I spoke with a developer. A WordPress developer. This developer made it clear that the bloggers who believe in buying a domain from a different company and buying … Read more

Know the Difference Between and

For illustration 4 || Source:

A lot of beginner bloggers have made mistakes, setting up their blogs for failure by not knowing the difference between and blogging platforms. I will spare you that error and waste of time. There are many CMS platforms for setting up blogging and you have chosen to use the WordPress platform for yours. … Read more

The Beginner Blogging Basic Terms You Should Know

For illustration 8 || Source:

For the beginner blogging basic terms, I will be explaining to you the terms used in the blogging field you should know and understand. You will come across these terms repeatedly because they are used universally. You may find cooperate definitions elsewhere, but here, I will be explaining it as though you are an 8-year-old. … Read more