I have forgotten about it but I remembered it today. The ability to remember something, I had that ability through listening to audio consistently, it gave me the power of mastery and consistency.

Are you struggling to do something easily? The only way to do it is when you embody it.

Until I entered boarding school for Junior secondary school, the only circular or “worldly” song I knew about was “Awilo”. Truthfully speaking. There were no personal phones and laptops then.

I loved hymns and classical music. Still do. I would sit down on our balcony, on the long bench we use for lessons, singing hymns.

I didn’t know the name then but it’s called boredom now. We passed the time by re-watching the movies we had. We watched “Ima na Jisos na asu Igbo” until we started reciting the movie from beginning to end.


After secondary school, I did the same with Lion King (the cartoon).

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The only movies we had in our house were Mount Zion movies. As children, we sneaked out to watch other Nigerian movies during the Osuofiasin times.

When I got admitted into the University, my first night in School, I met a roommate, the person occupying my bed space. She was a medical student and she was watching Xena the Warrior Princess. I joined her and after she slept off, I spent the night watching this movie until dawn.

That was also my first time hearing about seasonal movies. I realized I had watched season three and she didn’t have the other seasons. My first trip to the market got me spending two thousand naira buying all the seasons from one to six and other movies like Hercules.

I watched Xena consistently until I started acting out the movie. I already was reciting the lines. At one time, I was trying to get information for something from someone and I nearly put “the pinch” on the person.


I had to get a hold of myself and started watching other movies and reading novels to reboot my brain.

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That’s why I said I had forgotten the power of listening to something.

As the year ends and the new year begins, I don’t have any abstract or unattainable resolutions save one. To listen more.

For the things I struggle to do, I will listen to them until I start doing them effortlessly.

To the word of God, I will listen to it until I start acting it out. Thankfully I have the audio Bible in my archives, I don’t remember how I got it, but I have cued it on my playlist.


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