There are three reasons why I generally dislike wearing trousers and it’s not because of any religious affiliations.

One, I can’t take the heat.
Two, my whole legs itch when on it.
Three, I get embarrassed with the posterior partition and it’s worse when the anterior shows the camel toe, that’s where skirts come in.
But there is one place skirt can’t take me to and that is a building site.
Unless I have no intentions of climbing anything, I have to wear something decent.
Imagine being the only woman on site with a bunch of horny site workers in a remote area with skirts on and they need you to see what they are doing on the first floor of a beam.
Oh! What a view!
In 2020, I was searching for a new apartment in the company of a male colleague. We had just entered this nice-looking compound and were admiring the finishing, hoping and praying that the interior will meet my requirements.
Trust me, Architects can be demanding and frustrating when it comes to house inspections. Anyway, back to my story.
We made contact with the first person we saw in the compound and struck up a conversation. I enquired about any available apartment and when we were done, the person left.
I stood there with my colleague while looking up and suddenly, a door on the first floor opened and a lady walks up to the railing, bending over to look down.
She was wearing a nightgown and her inner thighs and panties were right before our eyes.
To say I was embarrassed was an understatement and this lady was oblivious to our view of her nether regions. I walked out of the compound with my colleague trailing behind.
I have not discussed that experience until today.
Every woman will never wear only trousers or only long/short skirts. Some girls in skirts don’t remember these things and I see them in gallery halls of Public buildings, even in Religious buildings. Some religious gatherings put up plain pews before the first row and we all know why.
The Islamic religion got this right in her building design culture. Women worship on the floor above while men worship on the ground floor. If they do not have two floors, the women stay behind the men. Everyone needs to concentrate while worshipping without the distraction of watching a woman’s buttocks high up in the air as she bows her head.
Another one is those staircases that one can see through. If you have been to Polo park mall a.k.a Shoprite in Enugu, you see that staircase at the centre of the food court, guys have seen things from that staircase with ladies in skirts.
Escalators can be embarrassing to use if you don’t know how to step on them, but some ladies have resorted to using them to avoid show business.
As an Architect, I cannot visit a building site with skirts, unless I have made up my mind that nothing will make me climb up. Those workers on site will roughen you up for such public display and disturbance of their mental state at work.
When installing your handrails along balconies, please, let a mason lay one or two-course block wall, then the handrails on top.
It helps protect our eyes from people who do not remember, and it also keeps the handrails firm in position.