I find working with Elementor as a page builder quite easy. I do not know why most new bloggers complain about using it.

First, ensure you are working with a desktop and not a phone. The only part of blogging you can efficiently do with a phone is the writing aspect; as in, writing a post, not editing a post.

Hours of research on a topic, keywords to use, links to add, etc., are better done with a desktop/laptop.

When I first started, I figured out Elementor all on my own through hours of editing. My blog back then had a new look every week. I was trying out different colours, different layouts and designs until I was exhausted.

My only regret is not taking the time to record all the things I tried when I was learning how to use Elementor.


However, I found the video below on YouTube and I believe it can help you navigate through the basics of Elementor.

If you have any further questions, do let me know in the comments.

Read Also: Creating a Structure for your blog.


Happy blogging…