Things You Shouldn’t Have in Your Shared Bathroom When Guests Come Over.

Most single-unit houses for rentals have a common or shared bathroom and toilet. Sometimes, the toilet is accessed separately from the bathroom. Other times they are both accessed through one door.

I once visited a home for measured drawing. Measured drawing is simply taking measurements of an already built house. The measurements help to recreate floor plans of what was built. Often done for remodelling purposes.

Back to my story…

When my colleague and I got to the bathroom area, we were disgusted by the sights we saw.


Related: First Things Guest Notice about Your Guestroom Interior: How to Improve it.

Here are things you shouldn’t have in your shared bathroom when guests come over.

1. Remove your washed underwear from a shared bathroom.

Sun/Air dry your underwear. There is nothing dignifying about hiding your delicates in the secrecy of the bathroom simply because you believe the opposite gender should not see your delicates. It’s a terrible sight for guests to behold in a shared bathroom.

2. Your medicine cabinet.

Some guests are nosy, they might even have plans of endangering your health. They requested to use your bathroom and with the doors locked within those few minutes, they have unguarded access to things you orally consume.

6 Items You Should NEVER Keep in a Shared Bathroom 1

3. Your Personal items.

All personalized items such as hygiene products (toothbrushes, shampoos, shaving sticks, creams, face towels) should not be found in your shared bathroom. Create a dedicated space for them in your personal bedroom. Some mischievous guests can use say, the towel you left in the bathroom to wipe their butt and you will never know.

4. Put away all unnecessary items.


Whether clustered around your countertop for easy access or not. Store away old products and unlabelled containers. Your bathroom looks scattered and messy when you have items that should be on a shelf or something, littered all around.

5. Replace/Dispose of or remove any empty or used item immediately.

From empty toilet papers, to waste baskets, to wet and dirty towels. This reduces unpleasant or foul odour in your shared bathrooms. If your shower curtains are unable to dry out properly, leaving molds on them, it’s best to remove them and replace them with new ones.

The same thing applies to any amenities in your bathroom that are spoilt or non-functioning. Have a good maintenance culture.

6. Your bathroom decor.

Keep it simple and neutral. It’s a shared facility. You don’t need your personal photograph in there or an elaborate decoration.

Also read: The Nigerian Phobia for the Bachelor’s Pad Design.

When you find these types of houses, where the bathrooms are not ensuite (meaning each room has its own bathroom facilities) and you have no privacy with regard to your toiletries, here is what you can do.


Create a medicine cabinet, much like the one you would generally hang over your bathroom sink. Place it near your wardrobe in your private bedroom.

This way, you can have privacy and safety over the personal products you use.

6 Items You Should NEVER Keep in a Shared Bathroom 2